Tuesday, October 30, 2012

breastfeeding pain


Lama rasanya tak share pasal bf secara formal. Dulu, saya pernah alami blocked duct. Tak lah teruk sangat. Saya search cara merawat, alhamdulillah sekejap saja dah ok. Cuma baru-baru ne, dia datang balik. Biasanya Duktus tersumbat ne disebabkan proses pengepaman yang tidak efektif. Seingat saya, minggu lalu adalah minggu paling sibuk di ofis. Memang saya tak nafikan saya mengepam sekejap2 saja. Kadang-kadang saya tak dapat tunggu breast kosong sepenuhnya sebab kejar masa nak selesaikan itu ini. Akibatnya, saya alami blocked duct balik. Tapi alhamdulillah, Allah itu maha membantu. Segalanya jadi mudah. Sekarang dah ok. Dari situ terbuka hati nak share pasal sakit-sakit berkaitan penyusuan..

Ada beberapa perkara yang boleh sebabkan kita rasa sakit ketika menyusukan. Tapi ini tidak bermakna breastfeeding itu memberi kemudaratan. Biasanya, sakit tu yang biasa-biasa saja.. InsyaAllah. Pada saya, sepanjang 7 bulan menyusukan Insyirah penuh, kesakitan itu InsyaAllah masih boleh ukirkan senyuman saya untuk BREASTFEEDING.. ^_^

Untuk info kita bersama saya kongsikan buat ibu hebat di luar sana.. Moga memberi sejuta manfaat.. InsyaAllah..

Things that could cause pain while breastfeeding… 
A bad latch is the most common cause of breast feeding pain…
The good news: There is no single right way to attach a baby to a breast. Anything that helps baby get on the breast deeply and comfortably, and ends in good milk transfer is the “right” breastfeeding position or technique for you…

If breastfeeding is painful, there are things that you can do to help…
An uncomfortable breastfeeding position…
If mom and baby are not comfortable during breastfeeding it could lead to many different problems during breastfeeding including pain...

A strong let down.
Most moms feel a weird pins and needles feeling in their breasts when let down occurs and others say that it is quite painful…

Breastfeeding with flat or inverted nipples
Some types of nipples like concave, flat or inverted nipples might make it more difficult for baby to latch onto. For a baby to nurse successfully he must be able to grasp the nipple and stretch it forward and upward against the roof of his mouth. The most important thing to remember is that baby should get as much of your breast into his mouth as possible…

Breastfeeding with extra large breasts or nipples
Having large breasts and or nipples can cause some breast feeding issues and frustration. Most moms might experience bleeding, blistering and mastitis, but this is more common in big breasted women. People sometimes think that moms with bigger breasts have it easy breastfeeding, but that is not always true…

Dealing with a nipple blister "bleb"
A breastfeeding bleb can heal on it’s own after a few weeks, but sometimes the pain is tremendously bad during breast feeding…

Breastfeeding pain caused by Baby biting during breastfeeding
Some moms think that they need to wean when baby starts biting when breastfeeding, but this is not true. Baby biting is something that usually only lasts a few days and mom just needs to be persistent…

Blocked milk ducts
A plugged duct is formed when some of the milk inside a duct dries up and stops the rest of the milk from flowing, it is mostly caused through mom not draining the breast properly. This usually happens in the early days of breastfeeding when mom is very engorged and can cause some painful breastfeeding sessions…

Breast engorgement
Dealing with engorgement on top of having a new baby to care for day and night can cause mom some serious stress, but there are ways to treat breast engorgement and breastfeeding pain caused through breast engorgement…

Raynaud's phenomenon “ breastfeeding nipple white pain ”
Raynaud’s phenomenon also known as blanching of the nipple is now a common breastfeeding problem, affecting up to 20% of all women of childbearing age.
Reynaud's is not caused by breastfeeding, but caused through abnormal spasms of arteries that supply blood to your nipples, causing the restriction of blood flow and therefore numbness, burning and pain.

A Breast abscess
A breast abscess is a painful lump in the breast tissue, this is one of the most serious breast feeding problems, but is also very rare, occurring in only about 6% of all breastfeeding moms that have mastitis and/or recurrent plugged ducts.
A breast abscess will usually only form if you have had a breast infection (mastitis) for quite some time...

Breast infections are mostly caused by bacteria found on normal skin. The bacteria usually enter through cracked nipples. The infection is in the fatty tissue of the breast which causes a swollen breast, and pain in the breast tissue…

Breastfeeding pain thrush related
Thrush causes sore nipples and can cause pain inside your breasts…

Suck problems associated with pain during breastfeeding
Here are some breastfeeding tips and advice on how to deal with various suck problems during breastfeeding…

Ada beberapa masalah diatas yang turut saya alami. Blocked duct, dulu memang selalu. Saya terus buat rawatan untuk elak keadaan jadi teruk. Syukur, semuanya dah ok. Let down pula, biasalah. Semua ibu yang menyusukan pasti akan alaminya. Tapi alhamdulillah setakat ne normal saja. Tiadalah yang teruk pun. Dan selepas berusaha menambah kuantiti daripada kemeruduman yang lalu, Let Down Reflex saya dah kuat balik. Sebenarnya saya suka dapat LDR balik2 tym mengepam, sebab deras sungguh air susu keluar.. ^_^

Insyirah sekarang memang suka gigit. Aduhai, belum keluar gigi lagi. Selalunya, saya akan cuba kawal diri dari menjerit bimbang akan takutkan Insyirah. Tau saya buat macamana? picit hidung dia.. hehe tapi tak kuat la.. dia mesti akan lepaskan.. Toing!! hehe

Apapun, semoga perkongsian ini bermanfaat..

Salam sayang..

credit info from breastfeeding-problems.com

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